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Copyrighted Songs Available to Arrange
You can also publish any songs in the public domain, or wholly original compositions of your own.
How it works
Find a song to arrange in our database of 5,000,000 legally arrangeable songs! We take care of everything to do with copyright.
Add Copyright Info
We'll give you the correct song credits and copyright to include on your arrangement so you can sell it with ArrangeMe!
Upload and Sell
Add details about your title in our easy upload process. Then, you'll earn 10% on every sale. It's that easy.
Arrange Songs by the World's Most Popular Artists,
Songwriters, and Composers
ArrangeMe offers a catalog of over 5 million popular songs from the biggest songwriters and artists of today and yesterday, including Adele, Lady Gaga, Bob Dylan, Justin Bieber, Queen, The Beatles, and more.
Disney songs now available to arrange!
Information you need to know
Once you've submitted a copyrighted arrangement, you will recieve a 10% commission for any copies sold. Payments to the copyright holders come out of the portion of sales retained by ArrangeMe.
Medleys, mash-ups and collections of copyrighted works are not allowed to be published through ArrangeMe.
Ensembles may not be sold for explicit use by a symphony orchestra, professional orchestra, professional concert or wind band, professional small ensembles, nor exclusive competitive use (including but not limited to show choir, marching band, percussion ensembles).
Once submitted, your title will be made live for sale on Sheet Music Plus, Sheet Music Direct and *Noteflight in 2-3 days. You can watch sales, edit titles, and manage your arrangements in Manage Titles.
*Interactive titles only
Arrangements of copyrighted works are only permitted to be sold through ArrangeMe. Selling an arrangement through ArrangeMe does not grant any additional permission to sell your work on other websites, or in physical printed sheet music, unless you have a direct agreement with the work owner or publisher.
We take copyright very seriously. All uploaded arrangements must be your original arrangements. We will immediately suspend anyone who submits music that is not his or her own original work.
Additional Questions?
Be sure to visit the Help Center